Monday, April 14, 2014

Entry #13 - April, 14, 2014

Nigeria bomb blast kills 71 in capital city Abuj

April, 14, 2014
The Associated Press

A massive explosion ripped through a bus station during the morning rush hour in Nigeria's capital, killing at least 71 people and wounding 124 in a bombing that marked the bloodiest extremist attack ever in Abuja. Survivors were screamed and cried. It was horrible. 
abuja map google

Another terror attack in the world, 2014 is a time of change and turbulence. These tragedies were the revenges from people to their government. In many places all over the world, government controls everything in that area. Many people cannot find a good place to live, cannot find a job to make money. They started to be disappointed, then became anger. Who are these victims? Innocent people!  

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