Monday, May 26, 2014

Entry #20 - May, 26, 2014

California shootings victims all UC Santa Barbara students

May, 25, 2014
The Associated Press

2 men and 4 women were killed randomly on the street in California. Elliot Rogers had randomly killed 6 people and wounded 13 people. Elliot Rogers was the son of the director of the Hunger Game. His father knew that Elliot uploaded a video of saying to kill women because he still does not have a girlfriend, but his father did not care that much. If he could notice the risk, he would stop his son's killing plan. The Santa Barbara sheriff's office said Sunday that the victims were all UC Santa Barbara students: 20-year-old Cheng Yuan Hong and 19-year-old George Chen and 20-year-old Weihan Wang. 22 years old boy hated females, what did this expose the American society? He claimed that the human life is meaningless because life and death are all natural processes, and Freud even advocated that life and death were all instincts of human beings. American allow guns to people, it gives these psychological twisted people a big chance to revenge the people that they hated.

It was a breaking news on last weekend. Almost the same thing happened in China just a day before. Terrors threw boobs to people on the street. Women and kids were killed. We don't want to see this kind of thing happens anymore. I suggest government not to allow people to have guns, if we could stop allowing guns, we would decrease this type of things happen.

Entry-#19 - May, 26, 2014

Outrage in China as sickening images emerge of gang dropping giant rock on helpless teenager, 13

March, 26, 2014
Steph Cockroft

A video uploaded on internet by a teenager has become the most popular news in China. In this video, three teenagers attacked a 13 years old student for 9 minutes. They used their elbows knees, and hands to attack at first, then they used shoes, bricks, and a big heavy rock. That rock is at least 15x15x15cm. After the hit on his head, the kid has been in a comma for a while. Three teenagers peed on his face. Finally, they poured water on the kid's face to wake him up. After the upload of the video, polices found them automatically.
These shocking images show the young boy staring helplessly as one of the thugs launches a large rock towards him

It's so brutal to do that. They attacked him because last time they attacked a kid for money has been exposed by someone. They thought he exposes the secret, so they attacked him. Nowadays, the education of teenagers is really important. For sure, we don't want to see this type of things happen anymore.

Wednesday, May 14, 2014

Entry #18 - May, 14, 2014

Ukraine 'as close to a civil war as you can get', says Sergei Lavrov

May, 14, 2014

Ukraine president announced that Ukraine is as close as to a civil war. Ukraine has already broke into two parts. East and West. Crimea has joined Russia in a few weeks ago. Russians have launched machine guns and tanks in Ukraine. It's the beginning of the war. Ukraine continued to be a bloody country. In the east and west vote, east and west wanted to rebuild a new country, but America did not admit their votes.  
乌克兰流血冲突持续 潘基文称愿作危机调停人

Monday, April 14, 2014

Entry #17 - April, 14, 2014

Ukraine crisis: What now?

April, 14, 2014
Jonathan Marcus

Tensions are at their highest in Sloviansk, in Donetsk region, where armed men seized a police station and other government buildings on 12 April and have since declared themselves to be part of a new "Donetsk People's Republic". Pro-Russian militia completely surrounded the town with checkpoints and there have been fatal clashes. It is, like many cities in the east, a mainly industrial town, and has a population of around 130,000. It is 100km (60 miles) from Donetsk and just 15km (9 miles) from Kramatorsk, which has also seen buildings seized by armed men of military-style appearance and organisation.

Pro-Russia activists wave a Russian flag and shout slogans behind a razor wire-topped barricade outside the regional government building in Donetsk
A group of camouflaged men armed with automatic weapons stormed a police headquarters in the city late on Saturday and have since built a barricade to prevent it being recaptured. Nato said the military appearance and organisation of the armed men indicated Russian military involvement. It is 70km (45 miles) north of the region's administrative centre Donetsk. Another city with industry and engineering at its heart, a wind turbine production facility was opened in the city a few years ago.

Entry #16 - April, 14, 2014

Asian air pollution strengthens Pacific storms

April, 14, 2014
Rebecca Morelle

The weather is getting worst and worst all over the world. Beijing is one the city that surround in a bad weather. 
The effect was most pronounced during the winter.
The study is published in the Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences (PNAS).
Buildings are shrouded in smog in Lianyungang, China
Lead author Yuan Wang, from the Jet Propulsion Laboratory at the California Institute of Technology, said: "The effects are quite dramatic. The pollution results in thicker and taller clouds and heavier precipitation."
Air pollution are threatening people in China. It's just look like you are living in the sky. Dust covers the sky, our human eyes can through anything. There are too many factories in China. No one seems really care about our land. Too many cars make a lot of traffic air pollution. However, more and more people are aware that if we want to success, we must have a good body to support. People start doing some exercises during the day. By the way, what you see on the picture is real.

Entry #15 - April, 14, 2014

A Life of Hate: Kansas Shooting Suspect Thrived on Extremism

April, 14, 2014
The 73-year-old former Green Beret and Ku Klux Klan member accused of killing three people at two Jewish centers in Kansas has a long history of hate-fueled behavior and violent threats, including repeated tangles with authorities and civil rights groups.
In the name of white supremacy, Frazier Glenn Cross has organized armed militias, stockpiled military weapons and plotted to kill the founder of the Southern Law Poverty Center, which sued him in 1984 for trying to intimidate blacks in North Carolina.
Cross, a Vietnam veteran, served three years in federal prison for weapons-related offenses in the 1980s, according to the SPLC, which maintains a dossier on him.
But while Cross made a career of sinister activity, apparently he never -- until now -- was charged with personally carrying out any violent attacks.
Cross was arrested Sunday, on the eve of Passover, after allegedly shooting to death a 14-year-old Eagle Scoutand his 69-year-old grandfather at the Jewish Community Center of Greater Kansas City campus in Overland Park then gunning down a 53-year-old children's center worker at Village Shalom, a nearby retirement community.

Entry #14 - April, 14, 2014

Chile forest fire kills 12, destroys 1,000 homes

April, 14, 2014
The Associated Press

A raging fire leaped from hilltop to hilltop in Valparaiso, Chile throughout the night and day on Sunday, killing at least 12 people and destroying at least 1,000 homes. More than 10,000 people were evacuated, including more than 200 female inmates at a prison.
And with hot dry winds stoking the embers, some of the fires broke out again and were burning out of control as a second night fell.
The blaze began Saturday afternoon in a forested ravine next to ramshackle housing on one of the city's 42 hilltops, and spread quickly as hot ash rained down over wooden houses and narrow streets that lack municipal water systems. Electricity failed as the fire grew, with towering, sparking flames turning the night sky orange over a darkening, destroyed horizon.

This year many things happened sadly, Kunming terror attack, Ukraine's protests, MH370, Chile earthquake, and Chile forest fire. Some of them, we should've prepared for it. Forest fire is destroying the environment. Also, it killed 12 and 1000 homeless. Who is going to pay the price for this? Government? 

Entry #13 - April, 14, 2014

Nigeria bomb blast kills 71 in capital city Abuj

April, 14, 2014
The Associated Press

A massive explosion ripped through a bus station during the morning rush hour in Nigeria's capital, killing at least 71 people and wounding 124 in a bombing that marked the bloodiest extremist attack ever in Abuja. Survivors were screamed and cried. It was horrible. 
abuja map google

Another terror attack in the world, 2014 is a time of change and turbulence. These tragedies were the revenges from people to their government. In many places all over the world, government controls everything in that area. Many people cannot find a good place to live, cannot find a job to make money. They started to be disappointed, then became anger. Who are these victims? Innocent people!  

Wednesday, March 26, 2014

Entry #12 - March, 26, 2014

Malaysia Airlines MH370: Hunt on for black box and clues it holds

March, 26, 2014
Matt Kwong CBC News

In 17 days, from March 8th to March 25th. The Malaysian prime minister finally annouced that Airline MH370 sank in the south Indian Ocean. After this speech declared, it caused a huge discussion between people. We must know this is a horrible accident in human history. But, without anything evidences, they can't just make decision of using data to say the plane is sank. In those 17 days, family and friends were all waiting for a good news which is the plane landed in somewhere secretly, but the reality was not that good.
Flight MH370 'ended' in Indian Ocean
The plane's disappearance made people to guess what really happened on the plane. Is it a weather problem, or terror attack? No one has any ideas.
Malaysian authorities have said that evidence so far suggests the plane was deliberately turned back to Malaysia. The communication system was disabled.  

At the first day of the plane missing. I remembered that was on 8th. I was watching news on my Ipad while I was taking a bath. When I first saw this news, I was totally shocked. I didn't even know that a plane can be missing. I only know is it destroy or not. Being a Chinese citizen, I pray for those who has died in the plane sincerely. I don't know why the government still not doing anything. Still not putting pressures on Malaysia.

Wednesday, March 5, 2014

Entry #11 - February, 5, 2014

Climate change may put UNESCO World Heritage Sites underwater

February, 5, 2014
CBC News

Tourists visiting the Statue of Liberty, Pompeii or Canada's Old Town Lunenburg in coming centuries may need to bring a snorkel, thanks to climate change, a new study suggests.
If average global temperatures rise just three degrees above pre-industrial temperatures, melting glaciers and ice sheets will push up the sea level enough to inundate 136 site considered by UNESCO (United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization) to be cultural and historical treasures, sometime within the next 2,000 years, reports a new study published this week in Environmental Research Letters.
The researchers said they didn't try to pinpoint the exact timing of rising sea levels. And while 2,000 years sounds like a big window, some of UNESCO's 700 World Heritage sites are older than that, they point out.
The weather might affect our land. There are many heritage sites destroyed. Some of them are naturally destroyed and others are destroyed by humans. There are many wars going on all over the world. We hope to have a peaceful world not only because to stop killing each other but also to heal the world. Our mission is to make the world a better place. 

Entry #10 - March, 4, 2014

Kunming train station attack leaves dozens dead

March, 4, 2014
The Associated Press
A " Violent Terror Attack" occurred on Sunday in Kunming train station. 10 terrorists stabs people in the train station. They stab 33 people dead and 143 wounded.  
Media blamed the killings at Kunming in Yunnan province, south-west China. on militants from Xinjinag in the countru's restive north-west.  "Evidence at the crime scene showed that the Kunming railway station terrorist attack was carried out by Xinjiang separatist forces. Xinjinag separatist forces planned many attacks in different provinces in China. All they want is trying to separate China to different parts. China won't let this thing happen. The attackers' identities have not been confirmed, but evidence at the scene showed that it was "a terrorist attack carried out by Xinjiang separatist forces," Xinhua said. The far western region of Xinjiang is home to a simmering rebellion against Chinese rule by some members of the Muslim Uighur population, and the government has responded there with heavy-handed security. Those terrorists who killed civilians in the train were worse than animal. They lost their humanity. 

China Train Station Attack 
As a citizen of China, I am concerned about the “Violent Terror Attack” in China. As a citizen of China, I am really appreciated the comfortable life and good incomes that you brought in. Most people are satisfied of the life they have, but I am more concerned about my safety in my country. On March 2nd, 2014, Uighur separatists killed 29 people and wounded 143 at a train station in southern China. Uighur separatists planned many “violent attacks” in 2013, but our government were not paying more attention to those attacks. As a citizen, I hope government can value the attack as an important event and find solutions to solve this issue. I wish that we could have a peaceful life in the future. No more “violent attacks” on civilians. 

Wednesday, February 26, 2014

Entry #9- February, 26, 2014

Central African Republic orphan walks 100 km to safety

February, 26
The Associated Press

Ibrahim Adamou's parents had just been killed in front of him by anti-Muslim in Central African Republic. Ibrahim was so scared; he decided to run away from anti-Muslim. Ibrahim just knew he has to keep running. Over 100 kilometres, his none stopping steps make him run to a safe place. They are many family like Ibrahim came under attack as they were fleeing west from violence earlier this month.
On Sunday just before Mass, four more new arrivals gathered on the steps of the church. One child was inconsolable and sobbed against a tree as other little boys tried to cheer him up.
Central African Republic Ibrahim Adamou in Carnot
There are many family in Africa suffered in hunger and pain. They don't have enough food to eat. They don't have a place to call home. I went Kenya to help kids there in 2013.To be honest it was a terrible trip, but I saw the real life in Africa.  

Thursday, February 20, 2014

Entry #8 - February, 20, 2014

How the West – and Vladimir Putin – failed Ukraine

February, 20, 2014
Jeremy Kinsman, CBC News

Now, Ukraine's challenge run deeper that most people are divided by Ukrainian speakers and Russian speakers. Ukrainian speakers live in the west. They like to trend on EU; however, Russian speakers want to join Russia. It means Ukraine and Russia will combine to a new "Soviet." Most of the protesters are Ukrainian speakers because they want Ukraine independent country in Europe; not to be depend on Russia. Also, Vladmir Putin tricked Ukraine because he delayed Russia's energy supply to Ukraine. West suspended the meeting with Vladimir Putin. Both the West and Vladimir Putin didn't give Ukraine any supplies.

An aerial view shows Kyiv's Independence (Maidan) Square following some of the worst clashes between anti-government protesters and riot police on Wednesday.

There are at least 100 people were died 300 were wounded in the gun fire. Ukraine president sent army to stop the fight between police and protesters. It was a disaster for Ukraine. Ukraine have to face a problem which is divided into two new countries. Obviously, the UN may get involved into this to solve the problem. If Ukraine cannot find a way to solve the problem, then this war will get worse.

Wednesday, February 19, 2014

Entry #7 - February, 19, 2014

Ukraine President Yanukovych sacks army chief amid crisis

February, 18
The Associated Press

Anti-government protesters  have surrounded the parliament and tried to break through the police . At least 18 people died, 388 wounded, including seven policemen, died on Tuesday.
The violence begins when protesters attack police lines and set fires outside parliament after the announcement of the president. Riot police respond to the violence by trying to push protesters off Independence Square. It was a mess in the Independence Square. Ukraine prime minister sacks army to stop the fight. 
Ukraine is facing a big problem. 1/3 of Ukrainian speaks Russian, they are more supporting Russia. 2/3 of Ukrainian speaks Ukrainian, they are supporting the UE. Ukraine have to face a problem  which is breaking to two countries. Look back the situation, no one has ever realized the situation will gone bad this far. Crimea has already officially a part of Russia. Ukraine is going to be separated in the next few months. Ukraine is a small country, Ukraine has to depend on advanced country like America. It is starting a war between Russians and Ukrainian. Ukrainian killed at least 70 Russians in Ukraine.   

Tuesday, February 11, 2014

Entry #6 - February, 10, 2014

Algerian Hercules plane crashes, killing 77, 1 survivor

February, 11, 2014
The Associated Press

An Algerian military plane crushed in a mountain on Tuesday, killing 77, 1 survivor. The numbers of people killed is growing, now the newest result is 103 died. All people on the plane died. It might be an accident of the weather.
The crash site was on a mountain, it was about 300 miles from Algiers, the capital city. 
The plane has met with turbulence. 102 passengers include the crew all died on Tuesday. It was an unforgettable event not only for Algerian but also for all over the world.

The worst plane crash in Algerian history occurred in 2003, 102 people died, there was also a single survivor in that crash.

Accident happens all the time, but one thing we can approve is develop the security system, so people can have a safer trip. Weather is always the main cause of all kinds accidents. We can stop accidents, but we can decrease accidents. I suggest every country develop their security system. It's a responsibility of country's leader to give civilians a better life. Same amount of people died in 11 years, exactly the same number, 102 killed, 1 survivor. What's the connection between this two accidents? Did someone attack the plane on purpose? We still don't know.   


Sunday, February 9, 2014

Entry #5 - February, 10, 2014

19 killed in violence in Iraq
February, 10, 2014
While we were having dinner, a breaking news happen in Iraq. In Iraq, at least 19 people were killed and 19 were wounded just cross in Iraq.
Two people were killed and seven wounded in a car bomb at a marketplace in the Baghdad the capital of Iraqi. 
At the same time, another car bomb struck the army 50 miles away, one soldier were killed and three were wounded.Three passer were wounded by the bomb nearby the building and shops on the street.
In the east side, Iraq's eastern province of Diyala, three civilians were killed, including a child, and five others wounded in three roadside boobs in the early days. 

Killing each other is not the way to solve problem, but in human history, it seemed like the best way to cease fighting. Killing civilians is not necessary. Civilians are innocent. A child were killed in the bomb,many people were wounded. As I always say, " War is the progress that moves humanity." In humans history, bomb civilians is the worst thing. Britain bombed Germany city. America bombed Japan cities. It suddenly stop the war. War would never stop because we have different nations, politics, and religions. If they were one man in the room, he would make a decision. If they were two men in the room, they would fight for what to do next. If they were 3 or men in the room, they would pick sides, the stronger side would kill the weaker side for sure. 

Entry #4 - February, 5, 2014

Subway agrees to end use of controversial chemical after food blogger Vani Hari's protest

February, 06 2014
Chantal Da Silva, CBC News

Subway agrees to end use of controversial chemical found not only in its breads, but also in shoe soles, rubber caps, and yoga mats. It's a breaking news, the problem of food safety comes out once again. 
Food blogger Vani Hari who successed petitioned to government to remove the Kraft cheese coloring in last year. There were over 5000 signatures to petition subway to stop using chemicals in its bread. 
In Europe, the chemical agent has been banned, but in North America, no one seems really care about our food safety. Subway said it is already in the process of stop using the chemical in its food. New products will come soon. After the chemical inside food news exposed, Subway is facing a big problem. No one would to buy subway in the next few months if Subway did not change at all. 

It's a risk to use chemical inside food. It may helps its taste, but it is harmful for human's body. Company should stop using chemical in its food. There are still some company use chemical inside its food, if everyone can care about ourselves, our children, we should stop using chemical. It's also again the human law, it is slowing killing people. There are some companies that use chemical inside food in China. It's so common in China. They put chemical in baby's milk power. It damages baby's brain, in some cases they change physically. It's a really bad idea to put chemicals in food, it does make the taste better, but what about our bodies?     
Food blogger Vani Hari led a campaign asking Subway to remove  azodicarbonamide from its bread.

Tuesday, February 4, 2014

Entry #3 - February, 4, 2014

Charlemagne's bones are (probably) real

January, 31, 2013
DPA/The Local

After about 26 years of research the bone, German scientists have announced the bones interred in 1988 are most likely to be Charlemangne's. Aachen Cathedral is one of the Convention for the Safeguarding of the Intangible Cultural Heritage. Construction of this palatine chapel, with its octagonal basilica and cupola, began c. 790–800 under the Emperor Charlemagne.  After his death, he was buried in his church, but the exact spot is unknown. However, a group of scientists found his bones in his church, they started researching right after they found. After 26 years of research the bone, they confirmed the 94 bones taken from his resting place Aachen Cathedral are most likely be his bones. 
According to the data that the scientists have found. They estimate that Charlemagne's height is probably between 179 cm to 192 cm, so it proves Charlemagne was a tall man in that century. 

Not many people would know the poker card "K" is Charlemagne. Based on the biography of Charlemagne written by  Einhard. He dead because of forever at age 72. Charlemagne was the King of the Franks from 768, the King of Italy from 774, and from 800 the first emperor in western Europe since the collapse of the Western Roman Empire three centuries earlier.  People called him " The Father of Europe."

There was a famous emperor in China, his name is Cao Cao, he was buried in 1 of the 72 cemeteries that he built. He was afraid that someone would steal stuffs in his cemetery. It's good to find Charlemagne cemetery by the researchers because it does not fall into bad people's hands. 

Thursday, January 30, 2014

Entry #2 - January, 28, 2014

How The French View Life As A Couple 

January, 28, 2014
Celestine Bohlen

Last week, the gossip magazine exposed the story of French president Francois Hollande's love affair with French actress Julie Gayet. The report on this month of French marriage was the most popular topic in time. " Marry or not marry?" has become the most popular topic in recent months in France. French president broke with the first lady Valerie Tierweiler last week. From 2006, Francois lived with Valerie but not married. Everyone thought Valerie Tierweiler is the first lady of France, but after his love affair with Julie Gayet, everything became bad. After Francois declared broke up with Valerie, Valerie said:" I'm so disappointed, compare to my anger, it's more than my anger." French president Hollande has the rights to choose who he loves, but he disappointed the nation. He is not a good role model of French people. 

French president Francois Hollande's love affair is not good but normal. In the past, there were so many presidents or leaders had this kind of issue.  He is a man. It would not damage Hollande now, his popularity being so low anyways. Who cares? He has his rights to choose who he loves, but the thing he did wrong is lying to people. He is not a good role model of French people. Now, French people are more struggling with marriage. 

Love affair is a normal thing, everyone has seen some people do things like that. Because Hollande is the president, people denounce him more. People may think they broke up, what's the meaning of love. Should I get married? There is nothing related to you. Love who you love.  

Monday, January 27, 2014

Entry #1 - January 24, 2014

Japanese PM Shizo Abe's war shrine visit angers neighbours

January, 24, 2014
The Associated Press 

On December, 26, 2013, Japanese Prime Minister Shizo Abe visited Yasukuni Shrine to pay respect to Japan's war dead. It promoted a furious response from China and Korea.
 Abe who became the Prime Minister of Japan just a year ago, he is the first Japanese leader to have visited Yasukuni shrine since Junichiro Koizumi just over seven years ago. Abe visited Shrine it cause friction with China and both Koreas immediately. He visited 2.5 million dead and 14 A war criminals from World War II. What has Abe done, it is exacerbating tensions with Japan's neighbours.

 What has Abe done is leading Japan to a dangerous direction, it may cause a friction with neighbours immediately. His action angered Japan's neighbours automatically."Lessons from history must be learned. The international community including China must heighten its vigilance and never allow the wheel of history to be turned back," Wang said. Why Japan's neighbours react so strongly? Let's view the history.

 In June, 1900, Japan and other seven countries invaded China. Siege of the International Legations is the sore spot of Chinese people. Chinese Government signed the Boxer Protocol. China ceded lands to those eight countries. China was half colonized in 1901. In September, 18th, 1931, this is the day that Chinese won't forget. Japan attacked Manchuria and controlled Eastern China. In July,7th, 1937, Japan captured most of the provinces. Then, in December, Japan killed over 30,0000 Chinese civilians in a month. 1945, Japan lost the World War II Taiwan returned in China. Now, Japan is trying to steal DiaoYu Island from China. Chinese want to forgive them, but they just keep making mistake. Abe's action hurt our feeling so deeply. What Abe has done is starting a war soon.